Every girl should use what Mother Nature gave her before Father Time takes it away. ~Laurence J. Pete

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Amos Lee

You've heard the expression "they have the voice of an angel".. If angels really do have voices I want mine to sound like Amos Lee… Goodness gracious.. Love him.  Anyways, he has a new album that came out recently and you should all have a copy. It's called "Mission Bell" and it's great!!!! You'll love it, I promise

Long Time No See….

I know it's been a while but I stumbled across a wesbite that I felt I had to share. It's called Fashionista.com. I have now become an avid Ipad user and one of my favorite apps is my NY Times app. While browsing through, I somehow ended up at the Fashionista website. It would be a stretch to label myself as a "fashionista." I'm not really that into fashion. I mean, I like fashion, don't get me wrong, but I'm not exactly a participant in the fashion world. I'm too broke for that..Anyways, the website gives you a cool inside look into what goes on behind the scenes during things like NY Fashion week. It also has a career section for those of you who are looking to make a big move and intern at some of the note worthy fashion houses in New York. I always wondered how people got those jobs…. Anyways, check it out. It's worth the time if you have it!!!!