Every girl should use what Mother Nature gave her before Father Time takes it away. ~Laurence J. Pete

Friday, December 10, 2010

All things Asheville

I'm in Asheville for the week working on my sanity and on my way here, I was thinking about all my favorite places in Asheville and what I would be able to accomplish while I was here.  It got me thinking that some of my favorite spots might not be your favs, or maybe you don't even know about them. The "She Spot" to the rescue. So my visit is almost over and I haven't posted anything in a short while, so I thought I'd share with you some of my favorite things about Asheville!  Here Goes:


Wow, that's a small picture, but Mela is certainly on the top of my culinary list in Asheville. The Chicken Tikki Masala and the Goat Chesse & Spinach Naan truly changed my life. Other notable favorites of mine include The Laughing Seed for all you veggies out there, Romans on Haywood St for the best Italian Sandwich of your life, 12 bones... of course and Marco's... can't forget Marco's..

Flowers & Friends:

I have to give a shout out to Blossoms at Biltmore Park. Not only do they create the most exquisite floral arrangements on the Earth but they are staffed with some of the fabulous ladies in Asheville. I've never walked out of Blossoms without a smile on my face! Blossoms is the only place for flowers, hands down, no exceptions! Get with the program people!

P.S ( Pay a visit to the Baggie Goose in Biltmore Village! They are to paper, what Blossoms is to Flowers!!!)

Some friends of ours introduced us to Short Street Cakes a few years ago and I tell you....it's a little slice of Heaven disguised in the form of a Banana Pudding Cake!! If you're having a party, all you need is a Short Street Cake, some flowers from Blossoms, and invitations from the Baggie Goose. You'll be set and people will love you.

Books and Brew.. Coffee that is:

Don't get me wrong, Barnes and Noble is great, and I love a big book store but there's something about Malaprop's that you can't get from the Chain Stores. Maybe it's just the fact that Malaprops is located in the heart of downtown so you can have a nice quite read amidst the hustle and bustle of downtown. I also usually prefer paying Malaprops a visit in the winter time. Something about a good book and warm beverage! Always sets me right!

More Food:

It's a grocery store with a delicious buffet that's a quick as a fast food restaurant and usually full of decently attractive men and women, whichever you prefer. I know that a city cannot fully be represented by a grocery store but I feel like Greenlife represents all things "Asheville."

Coming off of this most recent visit, these are things that are currently on my mind as well as places I love to visit while in town. Cant wait for my next visit! Love Ya'll !!!

Friday, December 3, 2010

Anna and the French Kiss

So, I started this book last night in an effort to clear my mind of the medieval treachery of "Pillars of the Earth" by Ken Follet. If you haven't read it, you should, just prepare yourself for a roller-coaster of emotions. Anyways, "Pillars of the Earth" has a sequel called "World Without End" which is another thousand page endeavor. I thought that before I started reading number two, I'd take a time out and treat myself to a little Teen Romance. Hence "Anna and the French Kiss!" Stephanie Perkins, the author, lives in Asheville with her husband and Brian and I met them a few years ago through our lovely friends Jeff and Sara. So back to the book, it's GREAT!!! It's exactly what I needed to cleanse my palate of the rape and pillage that has consumed the last 2 weeks of my life ("Pillars of the Earth"). If you're looking for a quick, easy and entertaining read, "Anna and the French Kiss" is great.  If you're lucky, a few of you may be receiving a copy for Christmas! Buy Local Right????

Thursday, December 2, 2010

The Spot's Favorite Things!

Anyone who knows me would confirm the fact that I have a bit of an outerwear obsession. Todays love is J.Crews "Double-Cloth bonbon coat" The coat runs for a cool $325.00 but the classic PeaCoat will never let you down...

Another item that I cannot live without is the Botanicus "Blue Bamboo" fragrance diffuser. This scent has changed my life.... seriously.  Visit their website!!  www.botanicus.us

This book was released today and has received rave reviews. The author is an acquaintance of mine so I thought I'd share the news!!!!! You can find it at your local book store!!! 

World..... I'd like you to meet Jane... She has allowed me to look at boots and skinny jeans in a new light! Although some what pricy, the Jane Stitch Boot by the Frye Company is something I rarely leave home without. It's a purchase that I guarantee  you will not regret!!! Love you Jane... www.thefryecompany.com

Get Familiar Ladies!!!! If you have not yet discovered the world of the Hanky Panky..... well you should start today. They are the most comfortable not to mention sexy pair of underwear you could possibly treat yourself too. If you know of something better, please let me know!!!



I'll start out by saying that I've never "blogged" before. I've really never read many blogs so this world is pretty new to me. I feel like this blog should be about more than just what I like, or what's on my mind but for now, I don't know where else to start. As a married woman in a new city, I often find myself longing for some "girl time." I don't know very many ladies in my new city so I thought maybe I'd try to start a blog where women who need "girl time" can get online and have a "cyber cocktail"  with the rest of us ladies who could use a little more estrogen in our lives! I'd love for you to join me!!!